VHS-C tape
VHS-C Tape

Size compared to VHS tape

VHS-C tapes were used in camcorders and needed an adapter to view the tapes in a standard video recorder. They are considerably smaller than a standard VHS tape. They were also available as Super VHS-C tapes which is a higher quality version
They come in 30 and 45 minute lengths but may have been recorded in LP mode which doubles the time on a tape.
We can transfer your both VHS-C and SVHS-C tapes to DVD or even to computer files for you to edit yourself.
Tapes won't last forever so maybe you should get them transferred to DVD while you can!


Two hours on a DVD is the optimum quality. We could transfer 3 or 4 hours onto a single DVD but we would have to reduce the quality to do so.

Alternatively we could transfer your tapes to computer files and supply on a USB memory stick. Prices are the same apart from the cost of a memory stick. You could supply your own stick/hard drive if you wish.

Cost to transfer:(basic service)
1 tape upto 2 hours onto 1 DVD £15.00
1 tape upto 3 hours onto 2 DVDs £20.00

1 tape upto 2 hours onto a USB stick £15.00
1 tape upto 3 hours onto a USB stick £20.00

A USB stick is £8.00. We can get more than one tape onto a USB stick

Each DVD is printed with a title of your choice or we use what is on your tape label. Each DVD comes in a standard DVD case. Customised case inserts are available. Cost depends on what you require.

Each USB stick comes in a small plastic case

Not sure what is on your tapes?
We can go through your tapes prior to transfer to let you know exactly how much the transfer will cost. If you decide not to go ahead there is a £25.00 charge for the review service. If you do go ahead the service is FREE.

Links to other tape formats:

Services from EditPoint